In the world of Attack on Titan, humanity faces an existential threat from Titans, gigantic humanoid creatures that devour humans on sight. These Titans serve as the primary antagonists, driving humanity to the brink of extinction and forcing survivors to take refuge within massive walled cities. The series follows the struggle of the Survey Corps, a military organization tasked with exploring outside the walls, battling Titans, and uncovering the truth behind their existence.
Pure Titans
Colossal Titan
Standing at an astonishing height of 60 meters, the Colossal Titan is one of the most iconic and terrifying figures in Attack on Titan. Known for its massive size and ability to emit scalding steam, it serves as a symbol of destruction and chaos. The Colossal Titan’s initial appearance, breaching the outer wall of humanity’s territory, sets the stage for the series’ central conflict and the Survey Corps’ ongoing struggle against the Titans.
Armored Titan
The Armored Titan possesses formidable defensive capabilities, thanks to its hardened skin that provides exceptional protection against attacks. Towering over other Titans, it boasts immense strength and durability, making it a formidable adversary on the battlefield. Throughout the series, the Armored Titan plays a significant role in numerous confrontations with the Survey Corps, posing a constant threat to humanity’s survival.
Female Titan
The Female Titan, characterized by its sleek and agile physique, stands out for its exceptional combat prowess and intelligence. Controlled by Annie Leonhart, a member of the enemy faction, it becomes a central figure in the series’ early story arcs. Annie’s infiltration of the Survey Corps and her subsequent battles against her former comrades add layers of intrigue and suspense to the narrative, culminating in a climactic showdown that reveals the Titan’s true identity.
Beast Titan
With its distinctive ape-like appearance and the ability to speak intelligently, the Beast Titan stands apart from its mindless counterparts. Controlled by Zeke Yeager, Eren’s half-brother, it possesses a unique power to control other Titans, compelling them to obey its commands. The Beast Titan’s strategic cunning and enigmatic nature make it a formidable adversary, challenging the Survey Corps’ efforts to uncover the truth about the Titans’ origins and ultimate purpose.
Founding Titan
The Founding Titan is shrouded in mystery and legend, with its true potential and significance to the story remaining elusive for much of the series. Said to possess the power to control other Titans and alter human memories, it is a central figure in the conflict between the walled cities and the outside world. As the series progresses, the true nature of the Founding Titan and its connection to the Titans’ origins become increasingly central to the narrative, driving the characters’ actions and motivations.
Intelligent Titans
Eren Yeager (Attack Titan)
Eren Yeager, the series’ main protagonist, inherits the power of the Attack Titan, granting him enhanced strength, agility, and regenerative abilities. Throughout the series, Eren’s journey to master his Titan abilities and uncover the truth about the Titans’ origins serves as a central narrative thread. His struggles with identity, morality, and the consequences of his actions propel the story forward, leading to numerous pivotal moments and revelations.
Reiner Braun (Armored Titan)
Reiner Braun, initially introduced as a member of the Survey Corps, is later revealed to be the Armored Titan, a key figure in the enemy faction’s ranks. His internal conflict and struggle with his dual identity as both a soldier and a Titan shifter add depth to his character, highlighting the series’ themes of moral ambiguity and the human cost of war. Reiner’s complex relationship with Eren and the other members of the Survey Corps forms a central focus of several story arcs, leading to dramatic confrontations and emotional reckonings.
Annie Leonhart (Female Titan)
Annie Leonhart, a skilled and disciplined warrior, serves as the Female Titan, utilizing her combat skills and intelligence to outmaneuver her opponents. Annie’s infiltration of the Survey Corps and her subsequent conflicts with her former comrades are central to the series’ early story arcs, culminating in a tense and emotionally charged confrontation that reveals her true identity and motives. Annie’s character arc explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the personal toll of war, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.
Zeke Yeager (Beast Titan)
Zeke Yeager, Eren’s enigmatic half-brother, wields the power of the Beast Titan, a figure of immense strategic importance in the conflict between the walled cities and the outside world. Zeke’s cunning intellect, manipulative nature, and complex motivations make him a formidable adversary, challenging the Survey Corps’ efforts to uncover the truth about the Titans and humanity’s history. As the series progresses, Zeke’s role in the larger conflict becomes increasingly central, leading to dramatic confrontations and revelations that reshape the course of the narrative.
Other Titans
Rod Reiss (Colossal Titan)
Rod Reiss, a member of the royal family, undergoes a grotesque transformation into an abnormal Colossal Titan due to exposure to Titan serum. His massive size and uncontrollable nature pose a significant threat to humanity, leading to a climactic confrontation with the Survey Corps. Rod’s transformation and subsequent battle highlight the horrors of Titan experimentation and the lengths to which some individuals will go to achieve their goals.
Ymir Fritz
Ymir Fritz, a legendary figure from Eldian mythology, is said to be the progenitor of all Titans. Her existence and connection to the Titans remain a central mystery in the series, with her legacy shaping the fate of the world. As the series progresses, Ymir’s role in the larger narrative becomes increasingly significant, leading to revelations that challenge the characters’ understanding of their history and destiny.
Pure Titans
In addition to the Titans controlled by Titan shifters, Attack on Titan features numerous mindless Pure Titans that roam the world outside the walls. These creatures vary in size, appearance, and behavior, posing a constant threat to humanity and serving as a reminder of the dangers that lurk beyond the safety of the walled cities. The Survey Corps’ ongoing battles against these Titans form the backbone of much of the series’ action and suspense, driving the characters to confront their fears and push the boundaries of their abilities.
Attack on Titan features a diverse and formidable cast of Titans, each with its unique abilities, characteristics, and significance to the story. From towering behemoths to cunning shapeshifters, these creatures drive the conflict and exploration of themes such as power, identity, and survival. As the series progresses, the mysteries surrounding the Titans deepen, keeping audiences engaged and eager to uncover the truth behind. Above is some information you can know about Attack on Titan. Click here for more information and our products!